It's that time again....the beginning of a new year. The time to reflect on the year that has passed all the good, bad & embarrassing! It is also the all-important time to start the year off right by stating resolutions, goals to set for one-self in hopes to improving a lifestyle or image! 90% of the resolutions promised at the beginning of the year are mostly about health & wellness, this includes weight loss. But how many people actually maintain these goals throughout an entire year? The shocking truth is only 3% of people will maintain a fitness resolution for the entire 12 months! Gym memberships are filled out in fury and gyms are filled to capacity every January. Then by as early as February and March the once avid gym goers are cut by half as the familiarity of their regular busy lifestyle gains control once again.
I feel for the constant year round gym goers (even though I am not one) who have to put up with these re-focused gym groupies filling up their gym for the first few months every year! There is probably an audible sigh of relief when the gym begins to lose the less passionate and allows more space for those who remain! If any gym was smart they would put together a program with a possibility of a money prize to be claimed at the end of the year for those who sustain their workouts throughout the year! They might be able to maintain more gym flow, but then again once a membership is signed does the gym really care if you come back as long as the monthly fees are being paid?
Other resolutions could be possibly finding a new job, learning a new skill (like cooking or some sort of craft). Some could be very subtle like, taking the time to read more or contacting family more consitantly. Whatever you decide you would like to improve, just start off slowly as several small changes are easier to maintain then a few large changes. In this case, slow & steady really does win the race!
Happy New Years and good luck in 2012!