Some of the highest ranked TV shows are reality TV shows, from Fear Factor (its baaaack), to Survivor and even Desperate Housewives are bringing in the viewers. How many times have you thought, I should have my own reality tv show because my life is far more entertaining than the ones I'm currently watching! This now brings me to the phenomenon YouTube. Everyone's a star and some lucky few have actually found their career through this online link. Which poses the question, do we not look for the talented few any longer or are there such a mass majority of free links and anyone who owns a camera have the ability to "make it big" or get at least a shot of fame.
When I watch older films the actors and actresses could sing, dance and act, which was known as the triple threat, but are we losing these big talents for simple in your face drama and cat fights on screen? I'm definitely not against reality tv and I watch the occasional Biggest Loser, The Voice and even a few episodes of Desperate House Wive’s, because the truth is that just like a car crash, you just can’t help but look.
If I listed all of the reality tv shows that just I know of it would take up several pages...for example you have: Celebrity Apprentice (& The Apprentice), The Shark Tank, Cake Boss, DC Cupcake, The Ultimate Cake Off, Survivor, The Amazing Race, Fear Factor, The Biggest Loser, American Idol, The Voice, The X Factor, America's Got Talent, and not to forget The Bachelor, and Big name a few. I'm just putting the thought out there that this reality thing might be getting out of control and if you need that much reality in your life, then you should simply go outside!