Friday, November 18, 2011

Among the Great Christmas Gifts are the Awkward & Weird...

Everyone has recieved an awkward or weird gift at one time in their life during the Christmas Season. I find that it is usually these gifts that are the most memerable!  So before you spend your hard earned cash on what you feel is an "original" gift, here are a list of gifts for you to walk on by:

First we have the "Boyfriend Pillow" or what I'd like the call "The Awkard Man-less Arm"
This would definitely freak out the guest staying over during the holidays! In replace of this gift I would suggest getting a real boyfriend or a dog. Moving on....
This next gift is called "The Running Alarm Clock" Great in theory. I would recommend this gift to those who enjoy being annoyed the moment they wake up.
Have a friend who’s always late because he or she can’t wake up? Introduce them to Clocky. This intelligent alarm clock jumps off your nightstand and runs away if you press snooze the first time. It then rings again and keeps running around the room until you get up eventually! Your friend will never be late again (and you will soon have one less friend)!
This next gift is really classy. This would only work for someone who is, well 12 years old...or a guy  in their 30's (or any age really)!

It’s incredibly easy to use – just stick your pencil in a nostril, twist it a few times, and your pencil comes out all nice and sharp. Free of snot too! Suitable for friend (most likely a guy) who are artists, architects, use pencils often or can’t stop or who enjoy picking their noses.
This next gift should not require a description of why it is not a good gift....
Just don't do it, no one wants this!!

This next gift would be awkward, (becasue you should never buy anyone other than your husband/wife a bed), but aside from that, I do not know a single person who only sleeps on their side (left side at that)!

With this next gift, again the idea of this gift is great! But please make sure you measure...

This last gift might just give off the wrong message to those over for dinner, I'm just saying...
If you are really are lost with what to buy this Holiday Season and you are known for buying similar "original/creative" gifts such as the ones shown above. Please bring someone along on your shopping trip (someone who has better sense in gift buying) or just place the money you would have spent on something awkward into an envelope and wrap that up!  I know people say money is not a sincere gift but at least that person won't have to waste gas money in taking your gift back!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Hero's Remembered...

Remembrance Day is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth countries since the end of World War I to remember the members of their armed forces who have died in the line of duty. Rememberance Day is observed on 11 November to recall the official end of World War I on that date in 1918; hostilities formally ended "at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month" of 1918 with the German signing of the Armistice ("at the 11th hour" refers to the passing of the 11th hour, or 11:00 a.m.) I find this fact interesting and the fact that everything was done using the number 11. This is why the moment of silence happens at 11am on November 11am, we are remembering the exact day and time that the hostilities finally came to an end!
The red remembrance poppy has become a familiar emblem of Remembrance Day due to the poem "In Flanders Fields". These poppies bloomed across some of the worst battlefields of Flanders in World War I, their brilliant red colour an appropriate symbol for the blood spilled in the war.
Countries around the globe are commemorating Nov. 11 each in their own way. Whether it be with Remembrance Day, Veterans Day, Poppy Day, or Armistice Day, people come together to be reminded of the ones who've died protecting their freedom.

Remembrance Day commemorates Canadians killed in the First World War, the Second World War, the Korean War and the country's various peacekeeping missions over the years.
More than 100,000 Canadians soldiers have died in conflicts since 1899, including:
- More than 240 in the Boer War.
- More than 66,000 in the First World War.
- More than 44,000 in the Second World War.
- 516 in the Korean War.
- 121 in peacekeeping missions.
So take a moment and really think about the lives lost and appreciate the life that you are able to live because of so many gave their lives for your freedom....Lest we never Forget.

"Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." - John 15:13

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Diets and Chocolate....


The Christmas Holiday season is quickly approaching and people are already starting to crave those delicious holiday treats! The Holiday is when you can (and without guilt) finally indulge and savor the decadent chocolates, the never ending snack table and the desert tray stacked high with cakes, pies and other holiday inspired sweets!

I think we indulge more at Christmas than at any other holiday because we have the New Years resolution to fall back on. The New Years resolution or what I'd like to call The Annual Diet Reminder. As it is always during this time where we try to right our wrongs and to re-gain that focus to receive the results we desire. This all sounds extremely admirable but there is a reason why during the first two months of the year (each year) the volume of gym memberships increase, then slowly by March or April the once focused and determined have now lost their momentum and reason for their once required motivation.

I guess it’s a good thing that we get a yearly reminder, to help us regain our focus and make an valiant effort to get back into shape (even if it's for a few weeks)! So, sink your teeth into another brownie and hide the scale because you need to make your New Year’s resolutions worthwhile!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Martini's and Manolos

Once Halloween has been appreciated, celebrated and the candy eaten and gone, it gives any Christmas decorating fanatic the right to pull out the boxes marked "Christmas Decorations" and start getting the house ready for the biggest holiday of the year! I am one of those early fanatic Christmas decorators. Anyone can agree that a house decorated for Christmas always looks better and has a warm happy feeling and feels more like a home!

Time to get out your Manolos and clink your martini glasses to another year down and another year done! Christmas parties are a great way to let loose with your co-workers (not too loose, however as everyone now has video & camera's on their phone & can easily capture moments you wish would fade away as the cursed hang over. This is how embarrassing nick names are created). But I digress....

It is a great way to see your co-workers out of the office and to get to know them in a different light (mind the above warning).  Bonding with one's co-workers creates a "family unit" a feeling of camaraderie and therefore creating a common ground.  It's this common ground that paves the way for a fun working environment. Stories that you will talk about later around the water cooler and laugh at the good memories that were made.