Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Martini's and Manolos

Once Halloween has been appreciated, celebrated and the candy eaten and gone, it gives any Christmas decorating fanatic the right to pull out the boxes marked "Christmas Decorations" and start getting the house ready for the biggest holiday of the year! I am one of those early fanatic Christmas decorators. Anyone can agree that a house decorated for Christmas always looks better and has a warm happy feeling and feels more like a home!

Time to get out your Manolos and clink your martini glasses to another year down and another year done! Christmas parties are a great way to let loose with your co-workers (not too loose, however as everyone now has video & camera's on their phone & can easily capture moments you wish would fade away as the cursed hang over. This is how embarrassing nick names are created). But I digress....

It is a great way to see your co-workers out of the office and to get to know them in a different light (mind the above warning).  Bonding with one's co-workers creates a "family unit" a feeling of camaraderie and therefore creating a common ground.  It's this common ground that paves the way for a fun working environment. Stories that you will talk about later around the water cooler and laugh at the good memories that were made.

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